Our Outpost


Joseph Gruber

Mission Account ID:

200 004

Our Outpost is going to awaken authentic Catholic culture through holy matrimony! We want to share the joy and the vision of matrimony from the heart of the Church, and they want to equip Catholic singles, dating couples, engaged couples, and married couples with the practical skills to live out the Church's teachings. The family is the fundamental unit of society—culturally, economically, politically, and socially. As our marriages go, so goes the world. We want to empower Catholic men and women to answer the call of the vocation of matrimony through formation and accompaniment. We will offer formation for dating, marriage prep, and marriage enrichment, both online and throughout south-central Michigan and the surrounding areas.  Joseph and Crystal Gruber have been Catholic missionaries for the past 13 years and married since 2012. They have five children you can meet, three in heaven and one currently on the way. Joseph is a founder and board member of the Chesterton Academy of Saint George, a classical high school in the Catholic tradition in Jackson, MI. Crystal spent ten years as a Creighton Fertility Care Practitioner and has of late been homeschooling the children. They have both received and handed on formation within FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, and Joseph obtained his Master's degree in Theology from the Augustine Institute.
